
黑頭蛇 (又名 黑頭劍蛇)


說明/ 體長約50–60 公分,最大全長可達72 公分,無毒的小型蛇種,尾部具纏繞性。身體呈黃褐色,其頭頂黑到灰黑色,頭頸部有明顯的黑色紋,在黑色橫紋後方有一黃色的細橫紋,上唇至頭頸部有一白色的細縱紋。主要以蠕蟲、蚯蚓或蜥蜴為食,上頜骨兩側的牙齒可以牢牢的鎖定住要逃跑的獵物。主要棲息於中低海拔的山區林地,常於森林、灌叢和山區開墾地活動,是一種動作緩慢,性情溫馴的蛇類,通常在白天出沒。(羅宇軒攝)
About 50-60 cm in length, 72 cm at most, it is a non-venomous small snake with a tail that can wrap objects. The body is yellowish-brown. The head is black to greyish-black. The neck has a distinct black stripe followed by a thin, yellow lateral stripe. There is a white, thin, vertical line stretching from the upper lip to the neck area. It feeds mainly on worms, earthworms, or lizards, with teeth that can lock into prey tightly. It mainly inhabits the forest in low and medium altitude regions, often appearing in forests, shrubs and cultivated areas in the mountain. It moves slowly and has a docile nature, often appearing during the day. (Photo courtesy of Luo Yu-xuan)
