
Downstream of Tranquility Lake (Zone 3)

沿著寧靜湖往學生宿舍小徑步行,常可見鶺鴒科鳥類於此活動,人工堤防上廢棄排水管偶 有翠鳥利用營巢。水圳北側榕樹與麻楝夾雜形成濃密樹蔭,為許多鳥類提供良好的棲息環 境。美麗的翠翼鳩、黑枕藍鶲與五色鳥等經常活動於水圳兩側,是生態相對豐富的區域。 學生平日從宿舍步行至上課地點途中,不妨放慢腳步聆聽一下周遭的鳥叫蟲鳴。(陸維元攝)

The path leading from Tranquility Lake to the student dormitories is often graced with the sight of wagtails. Common Kingfishers occasionally build their nests in the deserted drainage pipes on the levee. On the north side of the levee, banyan trees and Indian Mahoganies form a thick canopy, providing a well-shaded habitat for wild birds. Common Emerald Doves, Black-naped Blue Flycatchers, Taiwan Barbets, and other birds are often sighted around the levee as well. Students walking from the dormitory to classes can often hear the sounds of birds and insects along the way. (Photo by Lu Wei-yuan)
