


Center for General Education (Zone 4)

中正大學通識中心前植有一大排彩虹旃(音詹)那,六到八月花期時一片澄黃花海,在陽 光映照下呈現如彩虹般美麗的色澤,令人心曠神怡。鄰近樹叢中常有赤腹松鼠築巢,平時 常可見其於林間穿梭的小小身影。此外,白頭翁、綠繡眼、紅嘴黑鵯、樹鵲與黑冠麻鷺等 鳥類亦經常在此活動。其中紅嘴黑鵯經常集結於四周樟樹林,以成熟的樟果為食,牠們頭 部蓬鬆翹起的羽毛彷彿頂著爆炸頭,模樣相當可愛。(陸維元攝)

The space around the Center for General Education is adorned with a row of Rainbow Shower Trees which come into bloom between June and August, creating a dazzling sea of yellow flowers. The nearby camphor trees are frequented by Red-bellied Tree Squirrels who build their nests there. Chinese Bulbuls, Japanese White-eyes, Black Bulbuls, Grey Treepies, Malaysian Night Herons, and other birds are also seen in this area. Black bulbuls, in particular, often gather around the Camphor Trees and feed on their fruits. With a fluffy crest on its head, the black bulbul makes for an endearing sight. (Photo by Lu Wei-yuan)
