


The Ching Memorial Garden (Zone 5)

清園是為紀念創校校長林清江而設立,園區應用原有之樟樹林營造各種地貌,如溪澗、丘 陵、石壁、草地與池塘等,展現自然生態之美。因為與圖書館比鄰而居,學生在書讀得困 乏時不妨至清園散步以提振精神。園區常有綠繡眼與紅嘴黑鵯棲息,高處樹梢有小啄木敲 擊枝幹,春夏之交蝴蝶翩翩起舞賞心悅目,秋冬季經常可見候鳥紅尾伯勞的身影。(陸維元攝)

The Ching Memorial Garden was created to commemorate Lin Qing-jiang, the founding president of CCU. The garden features various landforms, including creeks, hills, stone walls, grasslands, and a pond to showcase nature’s beauty. Located right next to the library, students are welcome to take a break from their studies by taking a stroll through the garden. Japanese White-eyes, Black Bulbuls, and Gray-capped Woodpeckers are often seen perched on high branches here. In spring and summer, butterflies are a common sight; in fall and winter, migratory birds like Brown Shrikes come to visit. (Photo by Lu Wei-yuan)
