


The  Aspiration Gazebo (Zone 10)

位於中正大學後山的明志亭兩側植有數十株臘腸樹,一整片似臘腸狀的下垂果實形成相當 獨特的景致。因為果實碩大且有一定重量,為避免傷及行人,本校每年約於三月前後成熟 時間,都會派人摘除有傷人之虞的成熟果實。於亭中休憩時,常能聽到紅嘴黑鵯與白頭翁 等鳥類的鳴叫聲,綠繡眼、黑枕藍鶲與樹鵲等鳥類亦經常在周遭林木中活動。沿著亭外步 道走一遭,運氣好時還能看見松雀鷹正棲息於附近枝頭。(陸維元攝)

The Aspiration Gazebo is located in the mountain area of the campus and is flanked on both sides by numerous  Sausage Trees which produce sausage-like fruits that hang from their branches, creating a unique view. The fruits can grow to considerable size and are removed around March due to safety concerns. People resting in the gazebo can hear the calls of Black and Chinese Bulbuls, as well as other birds. Japanese White-eyes, Black-naped Blue Flycatchers, Grey Treepies, and other birds also frequent nearby woods. If you are lucky, you can even see a Besra resting on nearby branches. (Photo by Lu Wei-yuan)
