說明/ 成蜥體長約 3–11 公分,含尾巴全長最大可達 31 公分,臺灣特有種,是所有攀蜥中體型最大者。生存的範圍為 1500 公尺以下山區,棲息環境以樹林邊緣為主,如大樹的樹幹上就很容易發現其蹤跡。體色會因個體而有所差異, 大多是以褐色或黃褐色為主。背面密部鱗狀棘刺,具黃色斜紋,但雌蜥比較不明顯。 雄性腹側近基部有黃色寬型縱帶,喉部較大且有明顯的白斑,口腔外緣白色,具強烈的領域性,通常一棵樹只容得下一隻雄蜥。遇到危險或威脅時,會將喉部擴張,並鼓起身體做伏地挺身的動作來嚇唬敵人。(陸維元攝)
Adults are about 3-11 cm in length, 31 cm with tails included. An endemic species of Taiwan, it is the largest member of the Japalura genus. It lives in mountains below the altitude of 1500 m, inhabiting mostly around the edge of forests, such as the trunks of large trees. Coloration varies from individual to individual, with the majority being brown or yellowish-brown. The back is filled with scaly spikes with yellow stripes that are less distinct in females. The male has wide yellow stripes around the base of its sides, a larger throat with distinct white spots, a white margin around its mouth, and is highly territorial in nature. When threatened, it expands its throat and swells its body to make push-up-like movements to scare the enemy away. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)