
斑龜 (又名 長尾龜)


說明/ 背甲20–27 公分,是唯一由臺灣命名的龜,也是臺灣體型最大的淡水龜。上唇為黃色,四足趾間具蹼,擅於潛水和游泳。頭部會有明顯的黃綠色細線是斑龜命名的由來,紋路從頭部貫穿到喉部,幼體的背甲會有三條淡褐色的陵脊,隨著成長會漸漸變成灰黑或灰褐色,龜殼帶有橘紅色斑紋。棲息於低海拔地區的溪流、湖泊、水庫與河口溼地等。屬雜食性,幼龜與雄龜較偏肉食性,而雌龜較偏草食性,日出以後常群聚於池岸邊曬太陽,偶而打打哈欠。(陸維元攝)
The carapace is about 20-27 cm in length. It is the only turtle named by Taiwan and the largest freshwater turtle in Taiwan. The upper lip is yellow. The feet are webbed, making Golden Thread Turtles adept at diving and swimming. The head has distinct yellowish-green thin lines that stretch from its head to throat, for which it is named. The carapaces of the young have three light brown ridges that gradually turn greyish-black or greyish-brown with growth. The shell has orange-red markings. It inhabits the streams, lakes, reservoirs, and wetlands in low altitude areas. Omnivorous, the young and male consume more meat than the female. After sunset, it is often seen sunbathing along pond banks in groups and yawning occasionally. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)
