


說明/ 體長約7–9 公分,尾長約體長的1–1.5 倍。分布於全台海拔2500 公尺以下的區域,牠的後腿具有一較大鱗片且排列不規則區域。幼體具有鮮豔的藍色尾巴,身體背部以黑色為底,其中有五條縱向金線延伸至尾巴。亞成蜥至成蜥體色將轉為褐色至灰褐色,藍色尾巴與身體金線也會逐漸變淡甚至消失,雌體可保留較久,此外下頷至體側大片淡紅斑亦是辨識依據。相似種為中國石龍子,惟其體側紅斑不會延伸至下頷。(李穎松攝)
It is about 7-9 cm in length. The tail is about 1-1.5 times the length of its body. Distributed in areas below the altitude of 2500 m, its hind legs have an area with larger scales that are irregularly aligned. The young have flamboyant blue tails and black backs with five golden, vertical lines stretching down the tails. Juvenile and adult individuals turn brown to greyish-brown. The blue tail and golden body lines also gradually fade out or disappear over time, lasting a bit longer in female individuals. The large, lightred markings from the lower mandible to the sides of its body are another distinguishing feature of the species. The Chinese Blue-tailed Skink is its allied species whose red markings do not stretch to the lower mandible. (Photo courtesy of Li Ying-song)
