


/ 大型無毒蛇,身長 2 公尺以上。全身布滿黃色和黑色的花紋,頭部有一道明顯 的黑色過眼線,類似黑色的眉毛,因此被稱作黑眉錦蛇。日行性蛇類,但在夜晚也會 出來活動。性情溫和,以老鼠、小型鳥類、蛋為主食。常出現於海拔 2000 公尺以下平原、丘陵及山區,常棲居於住家及其周遭,生存的海拔上限為 3000 公尺。早年常 棲息在農戶家中捕食老鼠,因此頗得農民喜愛,俗稱為黃長蟲。(李穎松攝)
A large-sized, non-venomous snake that can grow to more than 2 m in length. Covered with yellow and black patterns, it has a distinct black line running across its eyes, similar to a black eyebrow, for which it is named “Black Eyebrow Beauty Snake” in Chinese. Diurnal, it also appears at night. Docile in nature, it feeds mainly on rats, small birds, and eggs. Often appearing in the plains, hills, and mountains below the altitude of 2000 m, its habitat is close to human residence and limited below the altitude of 3000 m. In the past, Beauty Rat Snake often lived around farms and preyed on rats, making it favored by farmers and were known as “Yellow Long Worm” in Chinese. (Photo courtesy of Li Ying-song)
