說明/ 大型蛇類,全長可達200 公分。通常外表以橄欖棕色為主,腹面則為一致的黃白色,幼蛇頸後至身體前段有淺色細橫紋。日夜皆可見,主要以鳥、蜥蜴類的卵為主食,但也獵捕鼠類、鳥類、蜥蜴或青蛙等。野生的個體生性膽小但攻擊性強,爬行速度快,被捕捉時會藉由扭動身軀來逃脫。5 至6 月份為繁殖季,卵生,剛孵出的小蛇長約30 公分。細紋南蛇廣泛分布於臺灣全島2000 公尺以下中低海拔地區,喜有水環境,多棲息於河岸草生地、山區溪流或水稻田等區域。(李穎松攝)
A large-sized snake that can reach 200 cm in length. Usually olive-brown in color, its belly is yellowishwhite.
The young have light, thin, lateral stripes from the back of their necks to the front sections of their body. Appearing during the day and night, it feeds mainly on the eggs of birds and lizards, but also preys on rats, birds, lizards, and frogs. Wild Individuals are timid but aggressive and can move in a relatively fast speed. When captured, it escapes by wiggling its body. Oviparous, it breeds between May and June. The newly hatched young are about 30 cm in length. Widely distributed across low and medium altitude areas below the altitude of 2000 m, it prefers environments with water sources, mostly inhabiting riverside grasslands, mountain streams, or paddy fields. (Photo courtesy of Li Ying-song)