
紅斑蛇 (又名 赤鏈蛇)


說明/ 中型無毒蛇,最長可達160 公分。非常普遍,是除了赤尾青竹絲、雨傘節、龜殼花外,夜間觀察時最常出現的蛇類之一。身體多為紅褐色,體背上有紅黑交錯的環紋和斑塊。夜行性,卵生,多出現在水田、溪流、池塘、森林、水溝中,特別喜食蛙類,也會吃老鼠、鳥類、蟾蜍等,偶而也會捕食其他蛇類。性情兇悍攻擊性強,受到干擾時會從洩殖腔分泌惡臭物來驅趕天敵,必要時也會裝死。(李穎松攝)
A medium-sized, non-venomous snake that can reach 160 cm at most. Apart from the Chinese Green Tree Viper, Many-banded Krait, and Brown Spotted Pit Viper, it is one of the most commonly seen snakes at night. Mostly reddish-brown in color, its back has circular red and black markings and spots. Nocturnal and oviparous, it often appears in paddy fields, streams, ponds, forests, and ditches, preferring to feed on frogs, rats, birds, toads and occasionally other snakes as well. Aggressive in nature, it secrets stinking substances from the cloaca to expel predators and even fakes death when necessary. (Photo courtesy of Li Ying-song)
