
南蛇 (又名 山瀨仔)


說明/ 大型蛇類,長度可達260 公分。全身橄欖色或黑褐色,參雜黑色或白色斑點,後段側邊有黑色條紋,上下唇也有黑色條紋。日行性,以鼠類、鳥類、蜥蜴或青蛙等為主食。野生的個體脾氣暴躁攻擊性強,遇干擾時頸部會上下擴張,卵生,剛孵出小蛇長約30 公分。南蛇廣泛分布於臺灣全島2000 公尺以下中低海拔地區,以及金門與馬祖等地。(李穎松攝)
A large-sized snake, that can reach 260 cm in length. It is olive or blackish-brown with black or white spots and black stripes on the sides of the rear section. The lips also have black stripes. Diurnal, it feeds mainly on rodents, birds, lizards, or frogs. The wild individuals are aggressive, expanding their necks when disturbed. Oviparous, the newly hatched young individuals are about 30 cm in length. In Taiwan, it is widely distributed across low and medium altitude regions below 2000 m in height, as well as in Kinmen and Matsu. (Photo courtesy of Li Ying-song)
