


說明/ 一種小型毒蛇,最長可達 90 公分。頭呈三角形,眼睛紅色,全身翠綠。因為尾巴後段磚紅色,故臺灣民間多以「焦尾巴」(台語)稱之。雌蛇在身體和腹部交接處有一條白色細縱線,而雄蛇在白色細縱線下還緊接著一條紅色細縱線。赤尾青竹絲是以胎生方式生殖的蛇類, 於秋季交配,隔年夏季生產。每次大約可產下2–15 條蛇,幼蛇全長約26 公分,約1 年便可達性成熟。棲息於山區或開墾地附近,喜好稍微潮濕的環境。以蛙類、蜥蜴、鳥類與老鼠為食,是諸羅樹蛙天敵之一。(彭楨儒攝)
A small-sized venomous pit viper that can reach 90 cm in length. The head is triangular in shape; the eyes are red; the body is green. Due to the red end of its tail, it is known as “Burnt Tail Snake” in Taiwanese Hokkien. Females have a thin, white line at the intersection of their bodies and bellies, while males have an additional red thin line underneath the white line. Viviparous, it mates in fall and gives birth in the summer next year, producing two to fifteen young individuals in a clutch. The young are about 26 cm in length and reach maturity in one year. It appears in mountains around cultivated lands, preferring slightly humid environments. It feeds on frogs, lizards, birds, and rats, and is a natural enemy of the Farmland Tree Frog. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)
