


說明/ 體長可達12.5 公分,尾長約體長之1–1.5 倍。身體背部體色為褐色或深褐色,上有許多細小黑色斑點,體側由吻端到尾巴前有黑色寬縱帶,上有許多黃白色細小斑點。腹部為黃白色,頸部不明顯,吻端鈍圓,尾巴細長呈圓柱形,全身平滑有光澤,股部鱗片排列整齊。胎生,棲息於森林底層落葉堆或泥濘地,白天時偶而可見於石頭上曬太陽。(任嘉偉攝)
It is about 12.5 cm in length. The tail is about 1-1.5 times that of its body length. The back of its body is brown or dark-brown with many small black spots. The sides of its body are lined with black bands from its snout to tail with many small yellow and white spots. The belly is yellowish-white. The neck is indistinct. The snout is short and blunt. The tail is thin, long, and cylindrical. Its body is smooth and glossy. The scales on the legs are well-aligned. Viviparous, it inhabits the ground floor of forests among fallen leaves or muddy lands. During the day, it can sometimes be seen sunbathing on a stone. (Photo courtesy of Ren Jia-wei)
