
小雨蛙 (又名 飾紋姬蛙)

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說明/ 雄蛙體長僅2–2.4 公分,雌蛙2.4–2.8 公分。小雨蛙的頭小腹大,頭長約等於頭寬,吻端尖圓。鼓膜不明顯,顳褶明顯,身體呈扁平的三角形。背部顏色為土褐色或灰棕色,背中央有一塊明顯的深色對稱塔狀花紋,花紋兩側有一些平行的細縱紋。有些個體有淺色背中線。雄蛙體型比較小,有單一咽下鳴囊,喉部鳴囊的地方黑色。叫聲低沉而且大聲,聽起來如同連續之上發條聲音。常出現在稻田、水塘或雨後積水水池等區域。(彭楨儒攝)
Males about 2-2.4 cm in length; females 2.4-2.8 cm. It has a small head and big belly, head length and width are roughly the same, and it has a pointed snout. The tympanum is not visible; the temporal fold is obvious. Its back is earth-brown or greyish-brown in color, featuring a darker, symmetrical wedge pattern at the center, surrounded by some parallel thin stripes on each side. Some larger individuals have a light, central back line. Males are smaller in size, having a subgular vocal sac that is black. They make a deep, loud croaking that sounds like a continuous clicking. They are often found in rice fields, on pond banks and in puddles that form after a rain. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)
