

說明/ 落葉喬木,樹高可達20 公尺,主幹渾圓挺直,枝椏自然分層輪生於主幹四周,層層分明有序向四周開展。小葉枇杷形,具短絨毛。春季萌發青翠的新葉,隨風飄逸,姿態甚為優雅,冬季落葉後光禿柔細的枝椏,益顯獨特風格。樹形雖高,但枝幹極為柔軟,根群生長穩固後極抗強風吹襲,並耐鹽分,為優良的海岸樹種,亦被廣泛種為行道樹或庭園樹。寒假期間,金黃色落葉鋪地似毯,漫步其間頗富詩意,吸引許多遊人佇足欣賞。(黃伊君攝)
A deciduous tree that can grow up to 20 m tall with an upright trunk and whorls of lateral branches spreading out horizontally. The leaves are oblanceolate with short hairs. In spring, new shoots dangle in the wind, creating a beautiful sight before falling off in winter when the bare, thin branches present a unique view. Although tall in shape, the branches are soft and the roots, when matured, are resistant to strong winds and salt, making it an excellent coastal tree species as well as a roadside or garden plant. During winter vacations, fallen leaves from the trees form a colorful golden carpet that attracts the attention of visitors. (Photo courtesy of Huang Yi-jun)
