


說明/ 喬木狀禾本科植物,高可達15–20公尺。主要生長於臺灣西南部的丘陵地,是季風型氣候冬季乾旱少雨的代表性植物。在過去的年代,刺竹是重要的竹材與炭薪的來源,也是房屋的建材。新竹古稱竹塹,最早即以刺竹為城牆。刺竹於夏季出筍,待長成新竹時已是乾旱的冬季。竹桿基部分枝在缺少水分的情形下,分枝與葉無法正常發育而停止生長,前端縮小變成尖刺,每節長刺的枝條相互交織,形成刺網,所以稱為刺竹。如此可以避開旱季草食性動物的取食,成為優勢的種類。(黃伊君攝)
A species of clumping bamboo of the Poaceae family that can grow to 15-20 m high. Mostly seen on the hillsides in southwest Taiwan, it is a typical plant that grows in monsoon climate areas with dry winters. In the past, Thorny Bamboo was an important source of wood, firewood, and building material. It was used to make the defensive walls that surround Hsinchu city, whose old Hokkien name was “Bamboo Barrier.” Bamboo shoots are produced in the summer and grow into new culms in the winter. Spikes are formed at the nodes of the spindly lower branches when a shortage of water supply obstructs proper growth, resulting in a network of thorny spikes. The spikes can protect the plant from herbivores during dry seasons, helping it become a dominant species. (Photo courtesy of Huang Yi-jun)
