


說明/ 常綠灌木,全株高1–3公尺,原產於熱帶美洲,十七世紀由荷蘭人引入,如今已野化普見於臺灣低海拔地區。全年開花,花色繁多,有黃、橙、紅、粉紅、紅黃混色等。花會由外向內開放,依開花順序其花色會由黃轉紅、粉紅、橙紅,以花色傳遞訊息給傳粉者。枝為直立性或是半匍匐性,表面有細小尖刺著生,因此有人會把馬櫻丹做為圍籬的植物。葉單葉對生,表面粗糙,葉緣有細鋸齒。整株植物含有揮發性油,其枝與葉會散發出具有刺激性的嗆鼻味,不宜久聞。(總務處提供)
An evergreen shrub that can grow to 1-3 m tall, native to tropical Americas. It was introduced into Taiwan in the 17th century by the Dutch and has been naturalized, commonly seen in low elevation areas. Flowering occurs throughout the year, producing yellow, orange, red, pink, and a mixture of red and yellow flowers. The flowers bloom from the outside inwards. and change colors from yellow to red, pink, and orange, signaling pollinators. The branches are upright or semi-trailing, with tiny spikes on the surface, leading people to grow Common Lantanas as a hedge plant. The leaves are simple, opposite, with serrated margins. The whole plant contains volatile oil with its leaves and branches giving off a pungent smell. (Provided by the Office of General Affairs)
