說明/ 常綠性灌木,株高3–5公尺,小枝柔軟而下垂,幼嫩的部分有毛。葉對生或叢生,春至秋季開花,花冠藍紫或白色。「金露」是形容果實的樣貌,成熟時為成串的橙黃色球形核果,在陽光下亮眼而奪目,就像是一顆顆圓潤晶瑩「金色的露珠」。耐修剪而分枝力強,因此常用作綠籬樹。但須注意美麗的果實含有些微毒素,若小孩誤食會造成腹痛、腹瀉、昏昏欲睡、發燒與痙攣等症狀。(彭楨儒攝)
An evergreen shrub that can grow to 3-5 m tall with drooping young branches covered in hairs around tender sections. The leaves are attached to stems in opposite pairs or in clusters. The flowers bloom from spring to fall with bluish-purple or white corollas. The name “Golden Dewdrop” describes ripe drooping clusters of yellow-orange drupes, which shine in sunlight like golden dewdrops. Due to its resilient nature, the plant can stand hard pruning and is often grown as a hedge. However, the berries are toxic and can be dangerous to children. Symptoms of Duranta poisoning include stomach pains, diarrhea, drowsiness, fever, and convulsions. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)