


 The Phoenix Boulevard (Zone 7)

中正大學圖書館西側沿羽光之丘往下坡步行,兩側路旁遍植鳳凰木,故以為名。在五到七 月花季滿樹火紅一片,綠葉、紅花與藍天相襯,形成絕佳景致,也是畢業季的代表花種。 春夏時的濃密樹蔭是珠頸斑鳩與領角鴞築巢的好場所,四周草皮常可見白鶺鴒與白頭翁活 潑的身影,而附近灌木叢頂端常有紅尾伯勞佇立,伺機捕食昆蟲,搖頭擺尾模樣甚是可愛。 (陸維元攝)

To the west of the library, along the path down the Shining Feather Hills, stand rows of flame trees (“Phoenix Wood” in Chinese), which provide the boulevard’s namesake. Between May and June, the Flame Trees come into full bloom, producing flamboyant red flowers that contrast vividly with the fern-like green leaves and the blue sky overhead. The red flowers also signal the coming of graduation season. In spring and summer, Spotted Doves and Collared Scops Owls nest in the lush canopies, whereas White Wagtails and Chinese Bulbuls appear in nearby grasslands. Brown Shrikes are often sighted perching on the tops of bushes in search of prey. (Photo by Lu Wei-yuan)
