說明/ 展翅4.8–5.3 公分,翅表有許多似豹斑的褐黑色斑紋,翅緣凹凸不平整,整體外型看似從枝幹上凋落的碎裂葉片。後翅腹面中央有一枚V 形白斑是辨識的重點,雌雄外觀相近,雌蝶翅表顏色較淡,翅緣凹凸具銳角。黃鉤蛺蝶是蛺蝶科最常見的蝴蝶,棲息於草叢與河岸等地,飛行速度相當快。成蟲大約4 到9 月出現,喜在開闊地帶飛舞、訪花或吸食腐爛水果的汁液等。(彭楨儒攝)
The wingspan is 4.8-5.3 cm, with leopard-like brownish-black spots on the surface. The wing margins are ragged-edged, giving it the appearance of a broken leaf falling from the branches. The underside of its hindwings has a V-shaped white mark at the center, which is its most distinguishing feature. Both sexes look similar in appearance. The female’s wings are lighter in color, with sharp margins. It is the most common butterfly in the Nymphalidae family, inhabiting the underbrush and riverside with a fast flying speed. The adults appear between April and September, flying in open spaces and feeding on nectar or decaying fruits, etc. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)