


說明/ 體長3.4–3.9 公分,雄蟲複眼、合胸與腹部皆為紫紅色,胸側有4 條黑色的短斜斑,腹部末端側邊具黑斑,翅膀透明,翅脈紅色。雌蟲複眼上褐下灰,合胸黃褐色,側視有4 條波狀斜紋,腹部黃褐色,腹背具黑色中線,兩邊各有一條黑色縱線,如上圖左下。成蟲出現於3 到11 月,分布於海拔2000 公尺以下地區。稚蟲棲息於池塘、沼澤或緩流小溪等區域,成熟雄蟲經常出現在棲地水域的附近。(雄蟲.陸維元與雌蟲.黃予恩攝)
It is about 3.4-3.9 cm in length. The male’s compound eyes, synthorax and abdomen are purplish-red; the sides of its thorax have four short black marks. The end of its abdomen has black spots on both sides. The wings are transparent with red veins. The female’s compound eyes are brown in the upper section and grey in the lower section. The synthorax is yellowish-brown, with four wavy stripes on the sides. The abdomen is yellowish-brown, with a black line at the center of its back and a black vertical line on each side, as seen in the bottom left of the picture. The adults appear between March and November, distributed in areas below the altitude of 2000 m. The naiad inhabits ponds, swamps, or small creeks. Adult males often appear near the water in its habitat. (Male, photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan; female, photo courtesy of Huang Yu-en)
