


說明/ 體長約3–4 公分,雄蟲翅膀鮮明紅褐色,翅端透明是辨識重點。複眼紅褐色,胸部及腹部紅褐色,腹背端部有3 條黑線縱線,左右兩條不明顯,翅痣(翅前緣斑點)紅色。雌蟲近似雄蟲但腹部背面的黑色縱紋較明顯,尤其側緣的縱紋較發達。雌蟲體色多變,有紅色與黃褐色兩種,此為命名的由來,翅痣黃白色或紅色。成蟲出現於3月到11 月,棲息於平地至低海拔山區之池塘、水田、沼澤等靜止或緩慢流水域。(雌蟲.陳家駒與雄蟲.彭楨儒攝)
It is about 3-4 cm in length. The male’s wings are bright reddish-brown with distinctive transparent tips. The compound eyes are reddish-brown. The thorax and the abdomen are reddish-brown. It has three vertical black lines on the back of the abdomen. The two outer lines are rather indistinct. The stigmas (spots on the front edge of the wings) are red. The female is similar to the male, but has more distinct black stripes on the back of its abdomen, in particular the two side stripes. The female has various coloration, including red and yellowish-brown, for which it is named. The wing stigmas are yellowishwhite or red. Adults appear between March and November, inhabiting the ponds, paddy fields, swamps and other still waters in plains or low altitude mountains. (Female, photo courtesy of Chen Jia-ju; male, photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru).
