


說明/ 甲殼寬約3–5 公分,大型淡水蟹,臺灣特有種。頭胸甲光滑從前半部橙綠色調過渡到兩側及末梢的紫藍色調,大螯上部、步足大致為紫色,螯指為白色,雌性個體則比雄性偏紅。主要分布在彰化以南到台南之間,棲息於丘陵地山溝或農耕地田埂的泥質洞穴中,渾圓的洞口一般裸露或隱藏於草叢或錯縱複雜的樹根間,挖出的泥團會堆積在洞口旁。其生存的範圍約在平地到500 公尺以下水域附近。(彭楨儒攝)
Shell about 3-5 cm in width, it is a large-sized freshwater crab that is endemic to Taiwan. The carapace is smooth and its color changes from orange-green in the front half to purple-blue on the two sides and margins. The upper part of cheliped and the pereopods are purple. The dactyls and propodus fingers are white. The female is redder than the male. It is mainly distributed in the region between Changhua and Tainan, inhabiting the muddy caves in hills or paddy fields. The round openings of their caves are either exposed or half-hidden in bushes or among roots. The dug-out mud is piled at the entrance of their caves. It is distributed near waters below the altitude of 500 m. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)
