
花鳳蝶 (又名 無尾鳳蝶)


說明/ 展翅約 8–10 公分,普遍易見的大型蝶種。與其他鳳蝶不同處在於後翅沒有尾狀突起,所以又名無尾鳳蝶。翅膀上花紋黑白相間,搭配少許橙色與藍紫色色塊。幼蟲以芸香科柚子、橘子或檸檬等植物為寄主。成蟲喜歡訪花,常吸食如長穗木、馬櫻丹、金露花與大花咸豐草等植物之花蜜為食。臺灣全島都市近郊、公園綠地、平原到低海拔山區均有分布,南部地區幾乎四季可見,但冬季時數量較少。成蝶飛行輕巧快速,環境適應力強。(彭楨儒攝)
It has a wingspan of 8-10 cm and is a commonly seen large-sized butterfly species. Unlike other swallowtail butterflies, its hindwings do not have the same forked appearance, hence its Chinese name “Tailless Swallowtail Butterfly.” Its wings have black and white markings, coupled with orange and bluish-yellow spots. The larvae feed on members of the Rutaceae family, such as pomelos, oranges, or lemons. The adult likes to frequent flowers, often feeding on the nectar of Jamaica False-valerian, Common Lantana, Golden Dewdrop, and Spanish Needles. In Taiwan, it can be seen in suburban areas, parks, plains and low altitude mountains. In southern Taiwan, it can be seen throughout the year, rarer in winter. The adult’s flight is quick and is highly adaptive. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)
