


說明/ 體長 3–3.2 公分,較一般蜻蜓嬌小,故名侏儒蜻蜓。雄蟲複眼藍色,體色灰藍色。雌雄差異大,雌蟲複眼上褐下綠,體色偏黃綠色,如圖左下。翅透明,翅痣黃褐色,腹部第 3 節稍膨大,7–10 節黑色,肛附器淺黃色。常見於 8 到 11 月, 分布於平原至低海拔山區,南部地區數量較多,雌蟲會以點水方式產卵。本校則可於寧靜湖上游、通識中心周遭與明志亭附近觀察到 其蹤跡。(雄蟲.陳家駒與雌蟲.黃予恩攝)
It is about 3-3.2cm in length, smaller than an ordinary dragonfly, hence its Chinese name “Dwarf Dragonfly.” The male’s compound eyes are blue and greyish-blue in body color. Sexually dimorphic, the female’s compound eyes are brown in the upper section and green in the lower section. Its body color is yellowish-green, as seen in the picture (bottom left). The wings are transparent with yellowish-brown stigmas. The third segment of its abdomen is swollen, and the seventh to the tenth segments are black. The anal appendage is light yellow. It is often seen between August and November, widely distributed across plains and low altitude mountains, concentrating in the southern regions of Taiwan. The female lays eggs by dipping its abdomen through the surface of the water. On campus, it can be seen in the upstream area of Tranquility Lake, around the Center for General Education, and the Aspiration Gazebo. (Male, photo courtesy of Chen Jia-ju; female, photo courtesy of Huang Yu-en)
