


說明/ 翅長約2.1–2.6 公分,翅腹有許多不規則深褐色短斑紋。雄蝶翅表淡紫色具金屬光澤,雌蝶則為黑褐色。喜四處訪花,7 到12 月常見。分布於臺灣全島平地到低海拔山區,但以中南部的分布較多,臺灣是其分布的北限。活動範圍常跟他種小灰蝶重疊,如藍灰蝶等,但藍灰蝶身形稍大。與蘇鐵小灰蝶體型相近,但角紋小灰蝶翅腹短斑紋較明顯且顏色較深,蘇鐵小灰蝶則是帶狀斑紋且偏褐色,由此可判斷兩者差異。(彭楨儒攝)
It has a wingspan about 2.1-2.6 cm, with various irregular dark brown markings on its wings. The male’s wings are light purple with a metallic gloss, while those of the female are dark brown. It likes to frequent flowers, appearing between July and December. It is seen across the plains and low altitude mountains of Taiwan, concentrating in central and southern regions. Taiwan lies at the northernmost point of its habitat, which overlaps with other members of the Lycaenidae family, such as the Pale Grass Blue, which is larger in size. Although similar to the Cycad Blue in size, the Zebra Blue has more pronounced short markings on the underside of its wings and is darker in color, whereas the Cycad Blue has longer stripes and is brown in color. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)
