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說明 / 不普遍冬候鳥,體型嬌小,全長僅 14–15 公分,身型略圓胖。雌雄鳥羽色差異 甚大,雄鳥頭頂到後頸銀灰色,臉部與前額則呈黑色,翼上有一個明顯倒三角形白斑。 雌鳥全身則為灰褐色,僅尾羽上端成橘紅色,翼上也有白斑。本校僅發現於寧靜湖上 游與通識中心四周,且多為雌鳥。領域性強,單獨活動。經常停棲於灌木叢突出處, 尾部不停擺動。主要捕食小型昆蟲與蚯蚓等,偶而覓食果實與種子。(雄鳥.黃明賢與雌鳥.宋宇濬攝)
An uncommon winter migrant, small in size, 14-15 cm in length, slightly plump. The sexes differ greatly in plumage. The top of the male’s head to the back of its neck is silver gray, and it has a black face and forehead, along with a distinctive inverted triangular white patch on the wings. The female is greyish-brown overall, has orange tail sides and a white wing patch as well. On campus, Daurian Redstarts are only found in the upstream area of Tranquility Lake and around the Center for General Education, most of which are females. It is quite territorial and acts alone. Often seen perched on the protruding parts of a shrub, with a tail constantly wagging. It primarily feeds on small insects and earthworms, occasionally on fruits and seeds. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan “male bird”;  Song Yu-jun “female bird”)
