說明/ 稀少冬候鳥,全長45 公分。嘴尖細且長,呈黃色,前端黑色。頭頸部至胸部栗紅色,喉、前頸為白色,腹部及脇部皆為白色,腳橙黃色(如圖)。冬羽背與肩羽轉為褐色,頭頸部為淡褐色,胸部白色並滿佈暗褐色的粗縱紋。飛行時,頸曲縮在胸前,腳伸直向後,姿態緩慢優雅。池鷺通常於白天活動,為肉食性涉禽,主食是魚、蝦、蛙、螺類等小型動物,通常單獨或小群出現在水域沼澤邊、沼澤區,遇到天敵或威脅時即迅速飛到不遠處樹林頂端避敵。(陸維元攝)
A rare winter migrant, 45 cm in length. It has a long, thin, yellow bill with a black tip. Its head, neck, and breast are chesnut red; the front of its neck is white with a white belly while its legs are orange (see picture). In winter, the back and shoulder feathers turn brown while its head and neck feathers are light brown; the breast feathers are covered with dark brown stripes. In flight, its neck is coiled in front of the breast and the legs are stretched backwards. The Pond Heron flaps its wings slowly, making its flight elegant to behold. A carnivorous wading bird, it often feeds during the day, mainly on small animals such as fish, shrimps, frogs, and crustaceans. It often appears singly or in small groups near swamps, and fly to the top of nearby trees to avoid predators. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)