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說明/ 普遍留鳥,臺灣特有亞種,全長約19 公分。喜歡棲息於中低海拔灌木叢或芒草叢頂端,食性為雜食性,偏好漿果、草籽或昆蟲等,常成小群於枝葉間覓食,清晨時偶有集結枝頭的現象。與常見鳥種白頭翁同屬鵯科,且體型與羽色近似,但因保護色佳,較不容易發現。繁殖期約3 至7 月,巢成碗型,多築於樹上或灌叢中。鳴叫聲多變化,類似「記得是誰、記得是誰、是誰–」或「古哩– 古哩–」聲。(陸維元攝)
A common resident bird, endemic subspecies of Taiwan, 19 cm in length. It likes to perch on the top of clumps of silvergrass growing in medium and low altitude areas. It is omnivorous, preferring berries, seeds, or insects. It is often seen feeding in small groups. Occasionally, it can be seen gathering on tree branches. A member of the bulbul family, it is similar to Chinese Bulbul in size and body color. However, due to its camouflage, it is not easily discoverable. The breeding season spans from March to July. The nest is cup-like, built in trees or bushes. Its call is made up of a series of warbles, such as “chirrup”or “whit.” (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)
