說明/ 一年生草本植物,全株高30–100公分,是相當常見的植物,生長於田邊、乾溝渠、荒地或馬路旁。青葙(音同香)一年四季皆可開花,在莖端或枝端呈單一無分枝的塔狀或圓柱狀穗狀花序。青葙的花從基部依序向上開放,在開花時為白色或粉紅色,花色由下而上漸深,頂端的花苞為紫紅色,鮮豔易於辨認,而在花開完時整個花序又會變回素潔的白色。在臺灣,台南以北的青葙,花色大多是紫紅色,而台南以南和離島是白色的,繁殖力頗強,屬於外來歸化種。(宋慧昱攝)
An annual herbaceous plant that can grow to 30-100 cm tall, commonly seen around rice fields, ditches, waste lands, and roadsides. Feather Cockscombs flower throughout the year, producing a crown of clustered flower spikes that grow on the tip of stems. The flowers bloom from the base upwards in succession and are white or pink in color. The upper flowers have darker colors while the top inflorescence is reddish purple and easily recognizable, composed of many tiny flowers. After the bloom, the inflorescence turns white again. In Taiwan, Feather Cockscombs growing north of Tainan mostly have purplish-red flowers, while those growing south of Tainan and on offshore islands have white flowers. The plant is a rather productive naturalized species. (Photo courtesy of Song Hui-yu)