


說明/ 常綠喬木,樹高可達15 公尺,原產於熱帶亞洲、美洲與東印度。葉為二回羽狀複葉,小葉橢圓形,長約2–5 公分,寬1.5–2 公分,先端鈍或圓,表面亮綠色。花期3 到6 月,花色淡綠,莢果螺旋狀扭曲,成熟時呈淡紅色。樹幹彎曲多瘤節,枝椏細長柔軟。成樹耐鹽抗風,可於海岸造林做防風與定砂植物,亦常做為行道樹、綠籬與庭植觀賞之用。(陸維元攝)
An evergreen tree that can grow to 15 m tall, native to tropical Asia, the Americas, and East India. The leaves are bipinnate. The leaflets are ovate or oblong and are about 2-5 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide with notched or rounded tips and a bright green surface. The flowers bloom from March to June and are light green in color. The pods are spirally twisted and turn light red when ripe. The bole is crooked with burls and the branches are thin and soft. The plant is salt and wind resistant, can be grown as a windbreak and sand binder, also commonly seen as a street tree, hedge and garden plant. (Photo courtesy of Lu Weiyuan)
