說明/ 半落葉喬木,臺灣特有種,樹高可達18公尺。木犀科的光蠟樹,樹幹切面含有油蠟,就好像塗了一層雞油似的,因為顏色偏白,所以又被稱為白雞油。光蠟樹質地堅韌緻密,是很好的家具材料,也普遍作為行道樹使用。其樹皮為灰白色,有雲片狀剝落痕跡。夏季開白黃色花,結果時能看到一個個狹長片狀的翅果掛在樹上,隨風飄曳。此外,光蠟樹樹液深受獨角仙喜愛,樹幹常有獨角仙為吸食樹液而推出的一道道痕跡。(黃伊君攝)
A semi-deciduous tree endemic to Taiwan that can grow to 18 m tall. The plant is in the olive and lilac family, Oleaceae. Cross sections of the wood contain wax, as if covered in a layer of chicken oil, hence its Chinese name “White Chicken Oil.” Due to its robust and straight-grained nature, the plant is a good source of furniture and is also commonly grown as a roadside tree. The bark is greyish-white in color and may come off in pieces. In summer, the plant produces yellowish-white flowers, and the fruit, known as a samara, hangs from the tree dangling in the wind. Rhinoceros Beetles love to feed on the sap, often leaving tracks on the bark. (Photo courtesy of Huang Yi-jun)