說明/ 喬木,樹高約8–15 公尺,直立,樹冠傘形。樹葉茂盛略呈黃綠色,葉面光亮潔淨。花簇生淺紫白色,每年有春、秋兩次花期,分別為4 到5 月及9 到11 月,有淡香,花朵密集,邊開邊落。莢果扁平似樹葉,長約4–8 公分,寬1.5–3 公分,如上圖右上方。水黃皮抗風與耐鹽性強,為臺灣原生之海岸樹種。本校共栽有310 株,分別植於通識中心南側、工學院A 館北側、網球場與學生宿舍等處,花季時一片紫白花海甚為美觀。(陸維元攝)
An evergreen tree that can grow to 8-15 m tall. It has a straight bole and an umbrella-shaped canopy. The leaves are yellow and green in color with a glossy surface. Light purple and white flowers form into clusters that appear in spring (April till May) and autumn (September till November). The flowers give off a light scent and fall off as they blossom. The pods are flat and leaflike, 4-8 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide. The plant is wind-resistant and salt-tolerant, being a native coastal species in Taiwan. There are a total of 310 Poonga-oil Trees on campus, distributed on the south side of the Center for General Education, the north side of the College of Engineering (I), around the tennis courts, and student dormitories, producing a splendid sea of purple and white flowers in bloom. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)