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說明 / 體長 48–50 公分,尾長 37–41 公分,臺灣特有亞種,夜行性動物。全身大致褐 色,頭部黑色,從上額至鼻端有明顯的白色條紋。眼下及耳下有白斑,鼻子淡粉紅色。 白鼻心具有能發出特殊氣味的肛門腺,可使牠們免於掠食者之威脅。在牠們緊張、興 奮、或憤怒時,偶而會發出一股與花生油頗為類似的香氣。因此,白鼻心亦有「烏腳 香」的別名。棲息於中低海拔山區與果園,本校有少量個體棲息於學人宿舍步道東側邊坡次生林與寧靜湖上游森林。(陸維元攝)
About 48-50 cm in length, tail 37-41 cm. Nocturnal in nature, it is an endemic subspecies of Taiwan. Mostly brown, its head has a distinct white stripe running from the forehead to the tip of the snout. There are white spots beneath the eyes and ears. The nose is light pink in color. It releases a stinking sent from its anal glans that acts as a deterrent for its attackers. When agitated, nervous, or angered, it occasionally gives off a scent that is similar to peanut oils. Therefore, it is also known as “Black Feet Scent.” It inhabits mountains and orchards in low and medium altitude areas. On campus, a few individuals inhabit the secondary forest on the eastern slope of the Faculty House Trail and the forests upstream of Tranquility Lake. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)
