
人面蜘蛛 (又名 大木林蜘蛛)


說明/ 雌蛛體長 3–5 公分,雄蛛大約 1 公分,雌雄體型差異明顯。因雌蛛頭部到前胸有類似人臉圖案故稱「人面蜘蛛」,為臺灣體型最大的蜘蛛,常見於中低海拔山區。雌蛛頭部和背板呈金黃或灰白色,腹背黑色,中央有 2 條黃色的縱帶,兩側有灰白色不連接的斑紋。雄蛛體型很小,體色橙紅。日行性,其結網高度約離地 100–200 公分,會隨著體形變大而增高。與一般蜘蛛不同,不於固定時間織網,狩獵時會頭朝下在網中央守候。(邱銘其攝)
Females 3-5 cm in length, males 1 cm, it is sexually dimorphic. Due to the human face pattern on the cephalothorax of females, it is called “Human Face Spider” in Chinese and is the largest spider in Taiwan, commonly seen in low and medium altitude mountains. The head and tergum of the female are golden or greyish-white. The back of its abdomen is black with a pair of yellow stripes and greyishwhite discontinued stripes on the sides. Males are much small in size and orange-red in color. Diurnal, it constructs webs 100-200 cm above the ground. As it grows in size, the webs are constructed higher from the ground. Unlike ordinary spiders, it does not construct webs at fixed times. When hunting, it waits at the center of its web facing down. (Photo courtesy of Qiu Ming-qi)
