說明 / 雄蛙體長 3.5–5.2 公分,雌蛙 4.9–6.1 公分。頭長寬略相等,吻端尖圓,上下唇有深色縱紋,鼓膜及顳褶明顯。體色多變,兩眼間有深色 V 型橫斑,背部有長短不一 的棒狀突起膚褶,此為本種辨識特徵。雄蛙有單咽下鳴囊,但鳴囊中間有一個分隔,所 以看起來像有一對咽下鳴囊,雄蛙喉部鳴囊局部呈黑色。最常見於稻田、草澤與其他靜態水域中,鳴叫聲是連續的「嘓、嘓、蟈、」聲。(彭楨儒攝)
Males 3.5-5.2 cm in length, females 4.9-6.1 cm. The width and length of the head are roughly the same. The snout is short and pointed. There are dark, vertical markings on its lips. The tympanum and temporal fold are visible. It has various coloration, with a dark v-shaped horizontal mark between the eyes. The irregular longitudinal folds on the back are its most distinguishing feature. Males have a single, subgular vocal sac with a division at the center that makes it look like a pair. The male’s vocal sac is partially black. It is most often seen in rice fields, grass swamps and other still waters. It makes continuous “guo-guo-guo” alls. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)