說明/ 普遍留鳥,臺灣特有亞種。中型猛禽,全長約55–75 公分,翼展150–169 公分。頭頂到後枕有黑白相間的冠羽,眼先有鮮黃色裸皮是本種辨識的特徵。常見於高空兩翅平展翱翔,翼下有明顯的黑白條紋。因為經常捕食蛇類,亦稱為蛇鷹,也捕食蜥蜴、鳥類、鼠類、蛙類與昆蟲等。繁殖期約2 到5 月,築巢於水邊的大樹樹冠,鳥巢以樹枝條構成,一巢只有一個蛋。清晨藉由熱氣流盤旋升空時,常發出「忽悠⸺ 忽悠⸺」尖銳而嘹亮的叫聲,往往數百公尺外都可聽聞。(顏鈺杰攝)
Common resident birds, an endemic subspecies of Taiwan. Medium-sized bird of prey, 55-75 cm in length, wingspan 150-169 cm. It has a black-and-white crest stretching from its head to nape, and bare yellow lores which are its most distinguishable features. Often seen flying over the forest canopy on broad wings, the underside of its flight feathers are black with broad white bars. As its name suggests, it often feeds on snakes, as well as lizards, birds, rodents, frogs and insects. It breeds from February to May, building nests at the top of waterside trees. The nest is made of branches, each containing one egg. Riding over hot air in the morning, its distinctive and repeated “ Huyou-Huyou” call can be heard from hundreds of meters away. (Photo courtesy of Yan Yu-jie)