說明/ 體長僅約2–4 公分,是一種小型的樹蟾,雌蛙體型略大。身體背面呈綠色或黃綠色,腹面黃色。眼睛瞳孔是橢圓形,頭部有深棕色眼罩,體側有黑點散布。雄蛙具有單一外鳴囊。常在雨後鳴叫,台語又稱雨怪,叫聲為高亢而吵雜的「唧、唧、唧、」連續音。主要分布在低海拔山區及平地,特別喜歡棲息在稻田附近的香蕉樹葉的基部、竹林及小灌木上。本校主要以寧靜湖上游與金桔農莊交界處較容易觀察到。(彭楨儒攝)
A small tree toad that is only about 2-4 cm in length. Females are larger in size. The back is green or yellowish-green; the belly is yellow. It has an elliptical pupil, a dark brown eye mask around the head, and black spots scattered along the sides. Males have an external vocal sac. Its calls are often heard after the rain, also called “Rain Monster” in Taiwanese Hokkien, making a series of high-pitched and noisy “chi-chi-chi” notes. It is mainly distributed across low elevation mountains and plains, preferring to inhabit the base of banana trees growing near rice fields, bamboo forests and small shrubs. On campus, it is more likely to be seen at the intersection between the upstream area of Tranquility Lake and Kumquat Factory. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)