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說明/ 普遍留鳥,臺灣特有亞種,全長約15–16 公分,活動於約1500 公尺以下山區雜木林。因雄鳥頭後有一明顯黑斑,全身為美麗的寶藍色而得名。雌雄羽色略異,雄鳥全身寶藍色,後頭頂黑色,雌鳥頭胸灰藍色,背、翼及尾羽褐色,附圖為雌鳥。嘴喙扁而寬,適合用來捕捉空中飛行的昆蟲。繁殖期4 到7 月,築巢於樹枝交叉處,雌雄鳥共同育雛。偏好於樹林間陰暗區域活動覓食,常發出宏亮之「回– 回– 回– 回–回–」連續哨音。(吳宜儒攝)
A common resident bird, endemic subspecies of Taiwan, 15-16 cm in length, roaming around the mixed forests under 1500 m. It is named for the obvious black patch behind its head and beautiful azure-blue plumage. Sexually dimorphic, the male is azure-blue overall, with a black nape patch; the female’s head, breast, back, wings and tail are greyish-brown, as shown in the picture. It has a flat, wide bill, convenient for catching flying insects. It breeds from April to July, and builds its nest in the forks of trees. Both sexes incubate the eggs. It prefers to feed in the shaded areas of forests and often makes loud “hui-hui-hui-huihui” calls. (Photo courtesy of Wu Yi-ru)