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說明/ 普遍留鳥,臺灣特有亞種。全長約24–25 公分,長尾巴,羽毛從灰黑到黑色,嘴和腳為紅色且頭部有冠羽,全台中低海拔山區樹林常見。紅嘴黑鵯以啄食植物的漿果,果實與昆蟲為生。經常成群或棲或飛尋找食物。臺灣布農族的神話中提到一種叫做haipis 的鳥兒,就是指紅嘴黑鵯。傳說在遠古時代,牠們替族人帶回火種,度過洪水的危機。紅嘴黑鵯常常群聚喧鬧,不時發出大聲的「喵– 喵–」或「小氣鬼– 小氣鬼–」或「嘰喳– 嘰喳–」等多樣叫聲。(陸維元攝)
A common resident bird, endemic subspecies of Taiwan, 24-25 cm in length, long-tailed, with plumage ranging from slate grey to black, its legs and bill are red, with a crest on its head. It is commonly seen in medium and low altitude forests. It feeds primarily on berries, fruits, and insects, often seen in groups in search of food. In Bunun (one of the Taiwanese indigenous peoples) mythology, it is known as “haipis,” which according to legend, brought firewood to humans to help them survive floods. It is often seen in groups, making noisy “mew-mew,” or “cheep-cheep,” or “chicha-chicha” calls. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)