紅冠水雞 (又名 黑水雞)

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說明/ 普遍留鳥,體型圓胖,全長約33 公分,以牠們嘴基部至前額呈紅色得名。雙腳黃綠色,腳趾甚長,在腹部兩側,有明顯的的白色斑塊。常活動於河口、湖泊、沼澤與池塘等地,長長的腳趾能在水域的葉面上行走覓食。雜食性,食物包含螺、甲殼類、小魚、蝌蚪、水生動物及昆蟲等。繁殖期約由3–7 月,一年可繁殖兩次。(彭楨儒攝)
A common resident bird, plump, 33 cm in length, known for its red frontal shield. It has yellow legs with long toes, and white stripes on its flanks. It frequents estuaries, lakes, ponds, and marshes, with its long toes it can walk on the surface of floating leaves. It is omnivorous, feeding on crustaceans, fish, tadpoles, aquatic animals, and insects. It breeds between March and July, twice in a year. (Photo courtesy of Peng Zhen-ru)