白腰文鳥 (又名 尖尾文鳥)


說明/ 普遍留鳥,全長僅約11 公分,因為腰部有條白色寬橫條紋而得名。除了白腰文鳥的名稱,賞鳥人也稱牠們尖尾文鳥。停棲時隱約可見白腰,飛行時白腰則較明顯,雌雄鳥同羽色。嘴喙呈厚實三角形,上嘴喙黑色,下嘴喙灰色。群聚性,常成小群在草叢及農田中活動,以穀物及種子為食。常可見與近似種斑文鳥一起活動,停棲時會發出「戚– 戚–」的輕細聲。繁殖期為4 到7 月,築巢於樹木或草叢中。(蔡炘軒攝)
A common resident bird, 11 cm in length, with a white patch on its lower back, for which it is named. Apart from the white rump, birdwatchers also call it by the name “Pointed Tail Munia.” Its white rump is observable when perching on branches and becomes apparent during flight. Both sexes have identical body colors. The beak is triangular in shape; the upper mandible is black, the lower grey. It often appears in groups on grassland and farmland, feeding on grains and seeds. The Scaly-breasted Munia, an allied species, is often seen together with it. It makes “tck-tck” calls when perching. The breeding season lasts from April to July. The nest is built in trees or bushes. (Photo courtesy of Cai Xin-xuan)