五色鳥 (又名 臺灣擬啄木)

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說明/ 普遍留鳥,臺灣特有種,因身上有五種羽色而得名,全長約20–23 公分,身體翠綠色,頭部多為藍色,額頭和喉部呈桔黃色,眼先和前頸有小部份紅色,眼部至耳羽上方則為黑色,嘴部為黑色,腳鐵灰色。雌雄體色大致相同,鳴叫聲類似敲木魚「咯咯咯…咯咯咯咯咯…」聲,故有花和尚之別稱,繁殖期啄樹洞為巢。每年3 到9 月繁殖季時,雄鳥求偶歌聲聒噪嘹亮,校園各處可聽聞。(黃予恩攝)
A common resident bird, endemic to Taiwan, known for its five-colored plumage, 20-30 cm in length. The plumage is green, and the head is mostly blue. The forehead and throat are yellow. The lore and front neck have portions of red spot. The area above the eye and the beak are black and the feet are greyish. Both sexes are alike in body color. Its call resembles that of a percussion instrument known as a wooden fish, used in temples to accompany chanting, leading it to be called “Colorful Monk” in Taiwan. It breeds from March to September and nests in tree cavities. During the breeding season, the loud mating call of the males can be heard across the campus. (Photo courtesy of Huang Yu-en)