說明/ 普遍冬候鳥,是白色型鷺科鳥類中體型最大的,全長約90 公分。全身雪白,腿修長,腿、腳與腳趾為黑色。夏羽嘴黑色,冬羽轉為黃色。嘴長頸長腳長的涉禽,飛行時頸部縮成S型,速度緩慢,姿態優雅。棲息於於海邊、河口、沼澤、沙洲、湖泊等水域地帶,常集結成小群活動。經常與小白鷺或中白鷺等混棲。主要捕食魚類、昆蟲、兩棲類等。分布海拔約在100 公尺以下,偶而發出類似「嘎– 嘎–」之粗啞叫聲。(陸維元攝)
A winter migrant, the Great Egret is the largest white heron that measures about 90 cm in length. In the summer its bill is black while in winter it turns yellow. A long-necked, long-legged wading bird, its neck curves into an S shape during flight. The flight appears to be slow and graceful. Its habitats include coastal shores, estuaries, marshes, mud flats, and ponds, often appearing in small groups, mixing with Little Egrets and Intermediate Egrets. It feeds mainly on fish, insects, and amphibians. Ranging at elevations under 100 m, it occasionally gives a low, hoarse “craa-craa” croak when disturbed. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)