

說明/ 常綠小灌木,高可達90公分,很少超過1公尺。葉片狹橢圓形,兩端尖,單葉對生,密集的從短小枝節上長出,但多叢生在短枝頂端。花期約在4到9月,花單生或2–3枚叢生,開白色或略帶粉紅色小花。每年6月初夏盛開,滿樹如雪。六月雪的枝幹細分枝多,耐修剪成各種形狀,故常用做綠籬或庭院觀賞盆栽。(黃伊君攝)
An evergreen shrub that can grow to 90 cm tall, rarely exceeding 1 m. The leaves are ovate with sharp tips and grow in opposite pairs, clustering from the leaf axils and branch ends. From April to September, white or light pink flowers appear singly or in clusters. In June, snow white flowers are in full bloom, covering the tree. The branches are thin with fine ramification and can be pruned into various shapes, making Snow Roses an ideal hedge or bonsai plant. (Photo courtesy of Huang Yi-jun)