說明/ 常綠小灌木,全株高1–3公尺,葉卵狀披針形或長橢圓形,單葉對生,表面呈有光澤的綠色,背面淡綠色。花冠有4片單瓣花,開紅色叢狀花,花期四季常開。大王仙丹為仙丹花類中最大的栽培品種之一,由於它們花期長、大而鮮紅色的外型,廣受園藝栽培人士的喜愛,亦為蝴蝶們青睞的蜜源植物之一。(黃伊君攝)
An evergreen shrub that can grow to 1-3 m. The leaves are oval or oblong shaped, glossy, and light green on the back, and grow in opposite arrangements. The flowers have four petals, grow in groups, and bloom throughout the year. It is one of the largest cultivars of the genus Ixora and is loved by gardeners for its long flowering period and brilliant red appearance. In addition to human admirers, it is also favored by butterflies as a nectar plant. (Photo courtesy of Huang Yi-jun)