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說明 / 體長約 18–24 公分,尾長約 18–20 公分,為臺灣最常見,也是最大型的松鼠。 腹部及四肢內側呈暗紅色,尾毛膨鬆黑棕色中夾有白毛,背部暗褐色。繁殖季為每年的 2 至 9 月,在這段期間,雄松鼠會發出高亢的「嘎 – 嘎 –」聲,非繁殖季時則不常發出叫聲。以植物種籽、果實、嫩芽、花朵、小蟲及鳥蛋等為食,有儲藏食物的習慣。 生性膽小而敏感且十分迷糊,常忘了自己儲藏食物的地點,然而拜其健忘所賜,被埋在土裡的種子才能發芽生長。適應能力強,不論平地至中低海拔之果園、竹林、次生 林、闊葉林與針葉林裡都可發現其蹤跡。(陸維元攝)
About 18-24 cm in length, tail about 18-20 cm, it is the most common and the largest squirrel in Taiwan. It has dark red hair on the belly and the inner sides of limbs, fluffy blackish-brown tail mixed with white hair, and a dark brown back. It breeds between February and September, during which time the male makes high-pitched “gaa-gaa” calls. It rarely makes calls during non-breeding seasons. It feeds on seeds, fruits, new shoots, flowers, small insects and bird eggs and habitually hides its food. Shy and forgetful in nature, it often forgets where it stored its food, giving the buried seeds a chance to germinate. Highly adaptive, it is seen in the orchards, bamboo forests, secondary forests, broad-leaved forests, and coniferous forests in low and medium altitude areas. (Photo courtesy of Lu Wei-yuan)