短腹幽蟌 (又名 臺灣蜻蛉)


說明/ 體長 3.9–5.2 公分,臺灣特有種。體長 3.9–5.2 公分,合胸黑色,胸側具橙色魚 勾狀條紋。前翅透明,後翅有大型的黑褐色翅斑,翅斑之翅脈在陽光照射下呈橙色金屬光澤,是在野外分辨牠們的最佳特徵。腹部第 1–4 節呈紅橙色,尾端則呈黑色。雌蟲及未成熟雄蟲之胸側勾狀條紋呈黃色。全年活躍,特別是夏天。常見於中低海拔溪流,環境適應力強,從隱匿山澗到郊區受污染的溪流,無論水流急緩,都可見牠們停棲在石頭上的身影。本校可於寧靜湖上游、後山草原觀察到其蹤跡。(陳家駒攝)
It is about 3.9-5.2 cm in length, an endemic species of Taiwan. The synthorax is black with orange hook-like stripes on the sides of its body. The forewings are transparent, while the hindwings have large blackish-brown stigmas and the veins give off an orange metallic gloss in sunlight, a distinctive feature. The first to the fourth segments of the abdomen are reddish-orange; the tip of the abdomen is black. The hook-shaped stripes on the thorax sides of females and immature males are yellow. It is active throughout the year, especially in the summer. Highly adaptive, it is often seen around low and medium altitude streams in hidden valleys and suburbs, staying on stones. On campus, it can be seen in the upstream area of Tranquility Lake and the Mountain Wilderness Area. (Photo courtesy of Chen Jia-ju)