

說明/ 展翅約3.5–4.5 公分,普遍易見的中型蝶種。雄蝶翅膀深黃色,雌蝶則為淡黃色,翅膀外緣具黃色細毛,後翅翅緣具不明顯的彎角。成蝶常於花叢中訪花吸蜜,偶爾在積水處吸水,幼蟲則以豆科植物為食草。生活於平地到中低海拔山區,全島皆有分布,中南部山區較為常見,經常成小群活動,幾乎全年可見。本校通識中心旁,長穗木紫花盛開時,常見荷氏黃蝶於花朵中翩翩飛舞。(黃予恩攝)
With a wingspan about 3.5-4.5 cm, it is a common medium-sized butterfly. The male’s wings are dark yellow, while those of the female are light yellow. The outer margin of its wings has yellow fine hairs and the edge of its hindwings has indistinct curves. Adults often feed on nectar among flowers and occasionally can be seen drinking water around puddles. The larvae feed on members of the Fabaceae family. It lives in plains and low and medium altitude mountains and is distributed across the island, concentrating in the mountains in the central and southern regions. It often appears in small groups and can be seen throughout the year. On campus, it can be found around the Center for General Education when Jamaica False-valerian is in bloom. (Photo courtesy of Huang Yu-en)